Becoming a parent can be overwhelming. Your Pathways to Parenthood coach is here to help.
Whether you are expecting a baby, preparing to return to work after leave or adjusting to working parenthood, your coach will provide expert support to help you navigate each season of change.
You choose the topic for your coaching session. Here are some examples of ways we can support you:
Sharing your news that you're expecting with your boss or team
Designing your parental leave plan
Preparing for baby's arrival and first weeks at home
Family foundations - guided partner conversations
Preparing to return to work
Work + life integration
What's Included:
45-minute virtual coaching session for you (or you + partner)
Follow-up email summary from your coach
A digital resource related to your stage of new parenthood
Pricing: $250 per session*
*Many participants are able to get this expense reimbursed by their employers. Please message us if you'd like assistance with this.

To set up your coaching session:
Click the "Book Now" button to go to the scheduling site.
Select a day and time that works best for you.
Answer the pre-coaching questions, including what you'd like to focus on in your session.
Complete your payment online to confirm your appointment.
You will receive a confirmation email from your coach with a Zoom link for your session.
"This is an amazing resource for any parent! While I utilized it as a first time mom and transitioning to be a first time working mom, I took my husband on the journey with me. Pathways provided resources and talking points for us to discuss as partners becoming parents and helped us to be set up for success when we moved through the different seasons of our lives."
-New Parent Participant + Partner
"Navigating and balancing motherhood in a corporate world is complex, and my coach helped me to plan my maternity leave and return to work. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders after my planning sessions to help navigate through challenges. And being able to talk through some of the emotional and physicals tolls, as well as the pressure of being a working mom in a safe place has been so helpful on my overall well-being.
- New Parent Participant

Have a question?Contact us.